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We have loving Pastors, leaders, and members. We have ministries for everyone!

  • On Sundays during the main service, we have prayer for those who are sick or just need a touch from our loving Savior, Jesus Christ.

  • On Thursdays evenings, we take prayer requests and pray for each other.

Understanding the Bible

In all our services, our Pastors preach straight from the Bible and explain everything in a simple, humorous, and powerful way. 


We have our main service on Sunday mornings and Bible Study every Thursday night.

Christian Education

We have classes for all ages every Sunday at 10:00am. Our teachers care about their students--kids, youth and adults. 


We make sure our students get to actively participate while learning the Bible and learning how to live Godly lives every day.

They're Playing My Song!

We play several styles of music, from classic hymns to the latest worship choruses. We have an adult choir, children's choir, and youth choir.


Our International singers dazzle us every 4th Sunday of the month.

Kids and Babies

Every Sunday, we have services for the kids.

  • Pee Wees, ages 2 and 3

  • Children, ages 4-8

  • Juniors, ages 9-11

Every 1st Sunday, the youth have their own service, too!


We have a nursery for toddlers and a separate sleeper/nursing room for infants.



Wow! They grow up so fast. Our youth leaders work with each young person to help him or her grow closer to Christ. 

We help youth develop their talents and use those talents for the Lord's service. They learn that living for Christ is fantastic and a commitment to keep for life.

Men and Women!

We have strong groups for our men and women. Both the Men's Ministry and Women's Ministry meet every 4th Thursday to pray together, study God's Word, play games, and get to know each other. 


We also make plans for fundraisers and just all around fun events.


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